Mari tuan, abang, kakak dan adik-adik yang terlibat dengan kempen samada tahap macai atau tahap calon memikirkan sejenak. :) Mahukah anda mengetahui satu kisah bagaimana Barack Obama memenangi pilihanraya di Amerika sedangkan dia berkulit hitam yang minoriti? Semuanya mungkin dengan NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Program). Setiap calon perlu mengetahui teknik-teknik NLP atau setidak-tidaknya mempunyai think tank dari golongan NLPers sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh ahli-ahli politik hebat dunia. Baca artikel di bawah untuk maklumat lanjut. Selamat berNLP.
Ir. Dr. Anuar Kasa
P/S: Kajian terhadap ucapan beliau yang menggunakan teknik hipnosis (pdf), sesuai untuk penelitian NLPer di masa pilihanraya ini:
HOW Lead BARACK OBAMA Cast-off NLP TO Beguile THE Bounty
At all of the classic NLP patterns and techniques which Obama gloriously used to sneak USA by gale and won elections:
o Talkative hypnosis
o Non-logical statement patterns
o Dream inductions
o Sleep-inducing techniques
o Anchoring
o Pacing and Most important
o Hidden Orders
The tactics he uses are unbeatable for the bungling eye and hatch to bring. Barack Obama had used non-logical statement patterns all the rage his presidential speeches, which authorization the logical hatch [NLP 101]; precise trance establishment patters, all of which work on a pressing level (without you experienced).
We all can accord, whether Unautocratic (as I am) or Orderly, that Obama wasn't alleged to win re-election. Best pundits on any sides of the adherent spectra, leaned towards a Romney beating, mostly equally of a poor economy.
Romney should've won! And record of us obstinate [as other as I'm anti-Romney]!
Nevertheless, they'd underestimated Lead Obama's fluent and melodious abilities (via NLP which he'd calculated as a Harvard-schooled lawyer).
In his re-election bid, Obama's caption and repeat was "4 On top Kick, 4 On top Kick"!
Unflustered as in 2008, he had the "YES WE CAN, YES WE CAN" and the "Depend on AND Interest group" mantras, which were popular as hell!
I heard them so evenly that directly in my put your head down, I was instinctively buzzing "motivation and change, motivation and change" [as tasteless as it sounds]!
That shit mob me crazy!
In NLP, this technique/pattern is called "Hidden Orders".
Proprietor Romney never had a caption, a repeat, a sense nor a stick spell [anchors].
Foot Romney
Had he, Foot ROMNEY, been an NLP practitioner and doable it gloriously, he would've overcome Obama by a landslide!Had John McCain used NLP [persuasion tactics], Barack Obama would've never won the presidency in the first place.
But McCain unpretentiously knew close of NLP tactics, tied with the fact that he lacked charisma, jewelry, care for, etc [all of which are finances to physical leads]. Pursuit who are great at Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Version Clinton as pristine example, are melodious, seductive and curious.
Neither John McCain nor Foot Romney turbulent any of inhabit qualities wanted to prove to people to devotedly and zealously intonation for them or support their causes. Clinton was dubbed the 1st. black Lead in essence by way of the NLP tactics which he'd used!
Lead Version Clington
He made a fat-white guy (himself) present frosty and "down", which made us love him!
Unflustered as as a consequence Senator Obama was able to persuade whites that it was OK to intonation for a black man, whom they would've never contemplated choice for just a blind date formerly.
He made it present "frosty and hip" (for whitish youths) to believe a black president; more in this age of pop-culture where whitish feel sorry for yourself are the biggest fans and constituency members of Hip-Hop and sports clubs in the NBA and NFL.
So it is said, let's say that it was pristine black guy who was command for move on the other hand of Obama: Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther Emperor (had he been active). They would NOT believe won nor stood a fortuitous of winning!
They would've been deemed too old to pull to the Hip-Hop and Social-media equals (of whitish feel sorry for yourself) who were instrumental in putting Obama in La Casa Blanca. Unflustered as McCain and Romney were helpless to pull to them [too old and too out of touch]. So Barack capitalized off the young intonation by appealing to their analyze, which comes back to NLP on one occasion again.
This isn't treachery by the way.
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