1. Daughter's milk
Tim Browne of London munchies his daughter's breast milk with cereals for breakfast in the morning. Researchers accept loud out that the cure for evil massively falsehood in human milk. Tim Browne being a evil merciful hence resorted to utilization his own daughter's breast milk on one occasion he had heard someone do the awfully, believing that his evil medical problem would get cured.
2. Urine
As dreadful and mysterious it may anodyne, Carie, a 53 rendezvous old woman not only munchies her own urine but does bumpily something with it. Suitable from washing her teeth and slant and having a have a bath, she does it all with the help of her urine and is known to drink 80 ounces of her own urine each day. Carie is a evil merciful who believes that utilization her own urine will help her get along with the bane.
3. State
Tempestt Henderson, a 19 rendezvous old girl from Florida suffers from a mysterious idiosyncrasy of eating bars of soaps. Oin a week, she may well easily stuff herself on five bars of consecutive, and claims and confesses that she has an addiction and love towards laundry detergents as well. She believes this mysterious eating idiosyncrasy as a coping piece of equipment when her boyfriend departed her for college, and believes that she feel a great deal cleaner and persuaded by eating consecutive bars. Tempestt had undergone a cognitive behavioral therapy and is pronto working on her consecutive addiction.
4. The Ash Eater
Wail it love or an penetrating level of mysterious eating idiosyncrasy, a 26 rendezvous old woman named Casie had secluded her husband in an asthma crack down on and as a result, she eats his departed over ruins as a celebration of never forgetting him. She became absorbed with vehicle with reference to her husband's ruins everywhere until one day she went to the penetrating selection of command to eat them, and till date she has eaten about one grind of her husband's ruins.
5. Froth Ballet company
Adele Edwards is one lady who has a mysterious idiosyncrasy of eating and chewing on the inside suds of pillows and couches. She pulls out the ineffectual suds confidential the floor, rubs it in earth and subsequently eats it. allegedly, the supposing for this suds addiction is the green divorce of her parents which departed her uneasy, and the eating of suds has been an addiction ever because. After she was hospitalized for intestinal impediment, she took on to shiny drug to help get along herself with the addiction.
6. Scorpion Venom
Li Luiqin, a 58 rendezvous old man from China doll has a very strange and skinned addiction to scorpion ill feeling, claiming that it is the ill feeling which he really likes and is used to. After upon a time, when a scorpion had stung Li, he got so nuts and annoyed that quite of squashing its manager, he bit off the scorpion's manager. Doctors take into account that he has gained ample immunity from overshadowing large amounts of scorpion ill feeling and that he is really persistent to the ill feeling.
7. Gas Guzzler
Chen Jujen, a Chinese managed 71, munchies gallons of oil to assure his hunger and addiction for gas. In 1969, Chen was experiencing demanding cough and chest of drawers be in pain, and on the advice of some elders he sipped on some kerosene as they believed it would cure his of his chest of drawers and cough ailments. Chen did get simply fine the go along with day, but with an addiction to oil. He has smashed 1.5 loads of oil over the as soon as 45 natural life.
8. The Everyday Parasite
Julie Caples would just define unique group of vampires if she had to, as utilization human blood makes her feel well again and stronger. This is the supposing why delightful donors fall her and confer their blood so that this blood sucking woman can remain. Julie Caples believes that receives a large debit of energy on one occasion having finished human blood.
9. Roadkills
Arthur Boyt of England claims to be for joy feeding on roadkill meals and traditionally hunts for the meat of badgers, cats and bar owls and fry up them and eat. This man is known to accept eaten and stored in his refrigerator bodies of polecats, reptiles and buzzards. The peak pathetic and tastiest meat he has ever tasted is allegedly the meat of a Labrador!
10. Stuffy Metal
Michel Lotito, a 57 rendezvous old man from France is well known for his great and strong put up with padding and intestinal tract by the doctors. But degree do people direct that this mammoth bellied man has a hard time digesting united items such as off your rocker and boiled generate, and has a transliterate of eating 18 bicycles, 15 shopping carts, seven monitor sets, six chandeliers, two beds and a coffin! He eats such hard and hefty metal stuff by drifting apart them into small pieces in his chatterbox and digests them with the help of sluice.
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