"Your eyes are like the ocean" Puke.
"You don't sweat much for a fat chick" Offensive.
"You're so hot you make me want to get a job" Not going to do you any favours.
Why do these compliments suck?
Someone has already used them. So if you reel them out on your hot date, they're going to roll their eyes, and move on. Because you have done nothing to separate yourself from every other guy out there.
You'll also appear insincere by using cliches; and like you've watched 'The Notebook' one too many times. Insincerity also makes it appear like you're not giving the compliment in a genuine way, and that in fact you just want to get something from the woman in question, like a date, a kiss, or some other kind of nooky.
So how do you avoid these pitfalls? You be specific.
A specific compliment that's tailored to the girl will seem spontaneous, sincere and feet-sweeping awesome.
The best ones are also never about looks; but about the girl's behaviour or personality, something that is unique to her.
For instance:
"I love the way you walk" feels romantic incomparison to the cruder "I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave".
"I love how you're joyously walking around eating pick and mix" will catch a girl off guard when she's not feeling at her most glamorous.
"I love how you're still smiling when it's so late in your shift" works a charm on waitresses and cute shop workers.
"I admire how you told me about how you used to be a chubby, goth girl at school" will seem incredibly sincere if a girl has just opened up to you about her painful school memories on a date.
Uncertain how to make one of these compliments yourself? then just follow this simple formula:
1. Really listen to what a girl is saying if you're on a date, or observing what she's doing if you want to use the compliment to approach her.
2. Phrase it as 'I like x about you' or 'I admire x about you'
3. Be as specific as possible: if you want to say a girl has beautiful eyes say "why" you think they're beautiful.
4. Use compliments sparingly. One really good, unique comment, is so much better than telling her you love EVERYTHING about her namely the hope that if you compliment her enough she will sleep with you.
For more hints and tips on how to speak to girls check out www.puatraining.com
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