* In any case the tear GOP's first choice for "The Weighty Chatterbox," I can remember in the same way as Ronnie Reagan was a foolish old be silly in the White Identify. (For me, the high point of his career was starring in "Bedtime for Bonzo.")
* I remember the gratify in the same way as to finish more than than 50% of Americans were loath to the war in Viet Nam, and in the same way as LBJ settled not to run for re-election.
* I remember in the same way as presidental candidates were select few at the conventions, not in primaries.
* Today, a burger at Mickey Dee's can proposed law six currency. I remember the small business that chanted "Forty-five cents for a three flood meal? Sounds to me like that's a have an effect." (A burger, fries and a tremble proposed law 15 cents each.)
* I remember in the same way as one-gig hard drives and plain-paper fax machines to finish became comatose for less than 1,000.
* I remember in the same way as people were crippled from polio.
* I remember in the same way as highest offspring had married parents and few mothers worked.
* I remember in the same way as men were not nurses and did not teach at deep schools.
* I remembered in the same way as it was sensational that politicians and priests were in action in sex scandals.
* I remember seeing two films, seven comic strips and a newsreel for 25 cents.
* I remember money sweetie that physically proposed law a money.
* I remember cars that rusted and overheated and had windup windows and no air conditioning.
* I remember in the same way as it was immense to see an imported car in the USA. Or Ikea.
* I remember the discoveries of sharp and fondue.
* I remember in the same way as highest women used fur fog, and only strippers wore thong underwear.
* I remember in the same way as it was out of the ordinary for a woman to run for political turn-off.
* I remember in the same way as expectant girls used up high literary.
* I remember door-to-door salesmen, and notebooks that were not computers.
* I remember typewriters and amendment flowing.
* I remember shotgun weddings, people leave-taking to Europe for abortions and sex-change function, and to Nevada for divorces.
* I remember in the same way as people were astonished by Playboy magazine.
* I remember compel that did not conjure up excitement skin.
* I remember having to resolve from three TV channels.
* I remember TV antennas (not dishware) on the top.
* I remember in the same way as headsets were for pilots and give a buzz operators.
* I remember in the same way as people rented telephones and answering machines.
* I remember in the same way as answering machines were physically "machines".
* I remember in the same way as it was out of the ordinary to buy sea.
* I remember Pennsylvania Outlook, Bethlehem Steel, and give a call attendance with letters.
* I remember in the same way as a doctor made home visits for five currency, drove a 5,000 Cadillac and lived in a 25,000 quarters.
* I remember in the same way as an beneficial college proposed law 3,000 per engagement.
* I remember paying a nickel to cage on the Staten Islet Cart, and for a bag of potato chips.
* I remember life before Starbucks, Serbia, Keurigs, open shopping luggage, Play a part Take a trip and Play a part Wars, bungee cords, The Shell, cordless phones, reality TV, recycling bins, ZIP Codes, email, word admin, sports bras, 200 sneakers, unisex salons, apps, Woozy Putty, The Czech Republic, Trumps, Palins, Kardashians, Lohans, Kims, networking, self-realization, long-term press, videos, function propositions, aircraft hijacking, Lojack, GPS, VCR, DVR, LSD, HIV, ATMs, PDFs, FAQs, sex surrogates, texting, sexting, Nigerian scams, men leave-taking to weddings without neckties, and seatbelts.
* I remember in the same way as 1950s music was not "oldies."
* I remember in the same way as the USA had 180 million people and 48 states.
* I remember commercials for "your DeSoto-Plymouth purveyor."
* I remember the USSR.
* I remember co-features.
* I remember mink stoles.
* I remember in the same way as Howdy Doody was "live."
* I remember in the same way as Dick Clark was young.
* I remember "Kukla, Fran and Ollie."
* I remember "Tom Corbett, Empty space Cadet."
* I remember in the same way as Johnny Carson replaced Steve Allen on the Tonight Film.
* I remember being caught up about 1984 and Y2K.
* I remember in the same way as it was immense for women to sustain pants to work.
* I remember pizza selling 25 cents for a slice. Maybe stage 15 cents.
* Althought I never drank it, I remember ten-cent coffee.
* I remember hot drink trade machines that poured result into china doll.
* I remember in the same way as "gay" straightforwardly meant "happy."
* I remember in the same way as award were just three Radio Discard goods in the magnificent world, and no BestBuys or Part Cities.
* To the same degree our family drove cross-country in 1959, gas proposed law less than 25 cents per gallon.
* I remember preparing for Universe War Three. Prevent and First.
* I remember in the same way as American men did not sustain bracelets, and highest women did not clutch tattoos, or piercings deep-rooted than in their ears.
* I remember paying for long-distance calls, and defense them trough.
* I remember tube testers at Radio Discard, being able to vet either mono or boom box LPs, in the same way as mobile phones proposed law 3,000, and in the same way as leave-taking online may possibly proposed law 20 per HOUR.
* I remember in the same way as excitement TVs, touch-tone phones and microwave ovens were luxury ideas.
* I remember in the same way as TVs had knobs and no lost rudder.
* I remember having a 1,000 VCR with a "tight" lost control.
* I remember open-reel tape, 78s, 45s, 33s, 4-track, 8-track, cassettes, Elcassettes, videodiscs, quadraphonic irrefutable, and list panel in cars.
* I remember wristwatches with trivial LED displays.
* I remember in the same way as award was a Disneyland but no Disney Worlds.
* I (sadly) remember life without TiVo and satelite radio.
* I remember in the same way as cars had just three-speed transmisisons. (The first Corvette had just two.)
* I remember in the same way as turbocharging was out of the ordinary.
* I remember paying to clutch new cars rustproofed by Ziebart.
* I remember career lineage to let them comprehend we had voguish determinedly -- overdue a 50-mile road.
* I remember in the same way as award was no President's Day, but award was a Prune Day, and weekends had just two sparkle.
* I remember in the same way as it was immense to see uncovered bodies or problem contaminated words in films, or problem contaminated words on TV or radio.
* I remember in the same way as tacos were out of the ordinary, and pizza was not comatose with eggplant.
* I remember in the same way as undertake calculators were out of the ordinary.
* I remember in the same way as people stayed home to watch TV.
* I remember in the same way as a science magazine supposed that it would never be secular to get a excitement file camera that may possibly be sold for less than 25,000.
* I remember predictions of helicopters in every driveway, flat-screen excitement TVs, pocket-size phones and the end of war and scar.
* I besides remember in the same way as cigarettes proposed law 27 cents per pack, had no cancer warnings, and were advertised on TV. "Further doctors smoke camels than any deep-rooted representation."
* I remember in the same way as magazines proposed law a topic, charge books proposed law 35 cents, computers proposed law millions, and homes had one give a call and one TV.
* I remember in the same way as milk and offspring were delivered to homes, mommy was home to arrange have for the offspring, and freezers had to be defrosted.
* I remember "pilot" about nickel lunches, but I physically remember ingestion nickel Cokes.
* I remember in the same way as offspring walked to literary and it was up-hill in apiece information.
* I remember in the same way as KFC was called Kentucky Fried White meat.
* I remember in the same way as females were not believed to like sex.
* I remember in the same way as schools, public lavatories and sea fountains got built-in.
* I remember in the same way as Ivy Federation schools had quotas for Jews, and intuition hotels did not come to an understanding Jews or dogs to be situated in them.
* I remember in the same way as few Jewish people bought German cars and in the same way as few WW2 vets bought Japanese cars.
* I remember in the same way as deadly screens and printers were uninteresting.
* I remember floppy discs, and laser discs.
* I remember upset trace plugs.
* I remember flurry tires, stage studded flurry tires.
* I remember in the same way as radar detectors were warped in some states.
* I remember Montgomery-Ward, Gimbel's, Bambergers, Korvette's and Wacky Eddie.
* I remember in the same way as people couldn't buy liquor with a prize card, or abundance of clothing on Sunday.
* I remember in the same way as reinforce TV was immense. So were shopping malls. And popular wash pants and sneakers to literary.
* I remember in the same way as Howard Johnson's restaurants were ubiquitous, and the signs at McDonald's bragged, "Done with One Million Sold."
* I remember in the same way as you had to get give a call service from the give a call company.
* I remember in the same way as not any used lasers at home.
* I remember in the same way as highest pens and batteries leaked.
* I remember the impression of the Magic Flaw.
* I remember in the same way as Negroes became Blacks and Afro-Americans.
* I remember in the same way as black people started using the N-word.
* I remember in the same way as it was immense to see black people in commercials.
* I remember in the same way as "Protestants" became "Christians."
* I remember in the same way as Mormons were restrained out of the ordinary. Hmm.
* I remember in the same way as it was sensational to keep that a Catholic may possibly become journey.
* I remember in the same way as Americans went to Cuba for stop with -- but not to Porcelain.
* I remember the soft curtain and soft lungs.
* I remember my Diners' Hit card and unloading Telegrams.
* I remember goods that let people order purchases without using order cards, and in the same way as Macy's started accepting American Nonstop.
* I remember in the same way as McDonald's started selling have, and bagels.
* I remember in the same way as banks impenetrable at 3 p.m. and on weekends.
* I remember in the same way as convey order ideas were ordered and delivered by convey.
* I remember the reversal from blade to aluminum SCUBA tanks, from dual-hose to single-hose regulators, and from ski boots with laces to ski boots with clips.
* I remember in the same way as people without legs did not compete in sports.
* I remember in the same way as Saturn was not a car but Mercury was.
* I remember back in the 1950s in the same way as banks paid less than three percent on money. Hmm.
* I remember pilot about the Weighty Desperation and that it may possibly never arrive on the scene again.
Of flood, one big injury of this viewpoint and memory may be that not any wants to problem about it.
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