I've been following your blog for a while now. Your blogs are very much enlightening, even for a girl.Well... I'll be hitting college soon and i'm improving myself with your advices here in the blog, I know that the female male dynamics are really quite different, but I still do most of what you say nevertheless. This isn't really related to the article above but I want to ask for your advice. Does doing these stuff help me game other people, whether it be another girl (same sex) or guys? Well, I actually have no trouble in attracting guys. Lately though, I've been wanting to game other girls- even if i'm also a girl. Yeah, I guess i kinda swing that way at the moment.
Some of my best friends actually tells me that they've noticed that there's something about me that makes me very much appealing, especially to the same sex. (girls) At first, I had no clue- but after reading most of what you've wrote, I think it's because I act and am like an alpha female in my inner core. Also, i'm not like the other girls who dress and sit pretty while batting their eyelashes, I love action and hate indecisive people. Well, can you please give me tips regarding how to improve my game as a women- towards guys and girls, but leaning on towards the girls. (I've been reading a lot of materials too since I really want to improve my internal and external self, all of robert greene's book and etc) As soon as I get my credit card, I'm planning on getting your book (the black flag).
P.S - I'm not the typical feminine girl... My style is usually casual or sporty, I love videogames, reading, writing- quite tomboyish as one may say, but I do look /have feminine side, and am not butch.
(sorry for double posting, but I accidentally posted this on an old article. I was thinking you might not notice so I put it here instead.)
From what I can garner based on the bisecksual/illuminated women I know, gaming girls for you will be like assaulting a single barrel of fish with a tactical nuke shooting fish in a barrel. Women of such natures are granted a combination of sublime traits and favorable circumstances; A lethal intuition, the innate secksuality of women, and unbelievable value ratios. Even without a real secksual impulse, just a basic knowledge over the mere existence of game will set you eons apart. The key though, will be to retain your feminine secksuality while exploring the dominant aspect of the masculine. Watch or read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo for a good example. Aloofness, amused mastery, ambition; these are traits that when displayed by a girl, other women are inclined to stare in awe. If you lose in touch with your femininity however, you lose that edge. Remember people are drawn to what they cannot understand, they revere the mysterious. A decisive girl conveying power and knowledge while intertwining this dominant attitude with a lucid secksuality takes on whatever form she chooses; never to be restrained by a label.
If you haven't already, pick up Robert Greene's The Art of Seduction, it will be more valuable to you than The 48 Laws of Power. Like the combination of asshole + lover I so often endorse for men, you must seamlessly tangle paradoxical traits. Be audacious yet coy, dominant yet feminine, active yet patient. It seems from your description that you already understand this and are on the right track, now it's just a process of perfecting and maintaining.
The women I know who have at one point or another exercised game to influence the social mechanics around them aptly fall prey to three dangers inherent within girl-game itself. The first being that they tend to get Oneitis, and do not realize that there's no way to "game" around it. In an ironic twist, the problem is exasperated by their very strengths. You see how you find it so easy to get guys? It's whimsical. Because girls with game and looks are so far and above in value from everyone around them, they RARELY find men they are TRULY attracted to. An average girl might get Oneitis for a guy, but her attachment can quickly be offset by any other average guy able enough to game her. A girl like you will find a guy worth getting Oneitis for so very infrequently that when it happens, her hypergamous nature goes into full throttle. But the catch-22 is that the guy in question does NOT see her "value," because men are NOT hypergamous, they are polygamous and shallow. She begins wondering why she can't "game" him, and gets trapped by her own dependency on the one guy she's met in the last year who can give her an endorphin rush worth chasing.
The second being that all of humanity is a giant cesspool of crabs pulling each other down. The girls around you will be only be mystified if your status far exceeds theirs. If they see you within clawing reach, expect waves and waves of turbulent envy. As cliche as it sounds, they will do everything within their powers to pull you down to their circles of bickering and gossip. You of course, must remain untouchable. As Lee put it, "Don't get set into one form, adapt it and buld your own, and let it grow, be like water."
And finally, the notoriety of the spotlight. Power Corrupts, even within the microcosm of friendship. When men get too much attention, they are more likely to adopt an arrogant attitude. Mixed with a bit of wit, you have Cocky/funny, which translates to chick crack. Without the discipline of an overarching life mission or a guru, cocky/funny can aggravate itself into an obnoxious mixture, but these guys still get pussy. With girls, it's a bit different. Jerks who are losers, but are still cocky/funny, will benefit from their attitude. Girls who are cocky/funny (obnoxious), will not. Girl confidence MUST be refined confidence. Think Tomb Raider instead of Jersey Shore. Obnoxiousness has no payouts and will only brand you as try-hard. It does the same thing for jerks, but you won't receive dividends of intimacy the way a guy will. The danger of this accumulates over years. A girl starts out with a powerful and passionate personality. People are drawn to it, from other girls to other guys. Slight bursts of dramatic gesticulation gives her huge returns in attention because her preordained status demands it. But slowly, she relies more on these bursts to give her attention. Her interest in other activities wane, and voila; she turns into what she so would detest the most. ATTENTION IS INTOXICATING FOR WOMEN THE WAY POWER IS INTOXICATING FOR MEN.
All of this means you must, at all times, remain vigilant of decay. Stay focused on the things that you love in life, and elevate yourself beyond the chatter of people who would pull you down. I think a quote from an exceptionally accomplished female will fit here, "GREAT MINDS DISCUSS IDEAS; AVERAGE MINDS DISCUSS EVENTS; SMALL MINDS DISCUSS PEOPLE." If you think it's easy for you to get guys now, wait till you're older. With a tomboy personality that retains the touch of femininity, men will come in droves and bow to you. It will be crucial to keep your mind away from them, to obliterate the instinct to tell them "how you feel," or what you're thinking about someone else because they will ALWAYS be volunteering to hear you speak. As Greene will more clearly confide through his work, the greatest female seduction artists kept themselves out of the reach of those around them, that was the key to their charm. Rarely would people know, let alone understand, what they were thinking.
Confidence, within girls, is most attractive when it is godly, indomitable and internal. Unlike men who can benefit from its abrasive use, women only suffer the label of "attention whore."
This is all you need. A confident internal state, a taste for the things you already have a taste for, and to be weary of the follies I listed above. You need not seek girl-game because it will COME to you. I would go so far as to say you already have too much of it, the difficulty will lie in keeping it through the years. Men have a problem with adopting the crimson arts, but their impulse to relinquish it is lessened. Women have no problem with adopting the crimson arts, but their impulse to relinquish it is great.
But all of this, comes with a price, one you won't recognize for years on end. I know of only one girl who has moved past everything I've mentioned and remained at the pinnacle of her identity, it would be hard for me to say she is happier than the other people I know. She looks around and thinks of how dumb all of her friends are. She looks around and sees not a guy worth captulating too. She has lamented to me before that she feels a deeper emptiness, a complete loss of faith in humanity. A fantasy is paved in orgasm, passions of power, fits of lust, but at the end of it is not one climax to end all climaxes; at the end of it is only disillusion, an eternal abyss.
You don't need to wait for a credit card, I e-mailed you the book. Also look into Profiles of Female Genius by Gene Landrum. Landrum takes a more psychoanalytic approach and offers insight absent in most mainstream advice for women.
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