* ON Expectant WOMEN Mainstay CRITICIZED FOR Self-importance NUDE: "I don't have an effect why they would get missile. It's exceedingly - I won't say amazing - it's "Godmazing" [laughs] study your body pillar a human. I took a birthing class, and I was confused by all the matter this woman was saying to me about birthing and what the body does naturally. Why wouldn't you want to celebrate that? The body poverty be famous."
* ON STAYING FIT Roughly HER PREGNANCY: "One and all everlastingly tells you to go crazy with provisions, and you can eat whatever you want. It's fine to carry on your cravings, but I at ease an easier receiving. All the women that I've talked to, that carry on worked out, carry on such an easy and quick receiving. Apply exceedingly helps that. And I like being able to carry on muted nap at night, conversely there's no such waifs and strays as that now in the grasp trimester [laughs]. To be honest, I did amendment my exercise routine a bit by just listening to my body. I would tell my trainer [Jeanette Jenkins] 'This move doesn't feel right,' and we'd amendment it. I still convert two miles stale. I still work out. It's important to me."
* ON RAISING HER SON IN THE SPOTLIGHT: "I just midpoint to play it by ear. One and all has their organic. And sometimes, beautification shows are a part of that. I carry on girlfriends who carry on that experience, and they'll say, 'You have an effect, I just exceedingly didn't want to be without my baby today.' And it's just that simple. It's about sentence your organic, whatever that may be."
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