Anthony Robbins
Unlimited PowerThis is powerful stuff. Anything "anyone" can do, you can learn to do just as well, and you can learn to do it faster than that person learned to do it, with the NLP (neuro-linguistic technique of "modeling."Think this sounds far fetched? Well did you notice that Robbins included "walking on fire" along with making a million dollars and developing a perfect relationship? This is because at the graduation ceremony of each of his seminars, Tony has his students go through a fire walk, just like the Hindu gurus who still walk barefoot across a path of red hot coals without the slightest burns on their feet.As he explains it in the first chapter of Unlimited Power:"The firewalk is an experience in personal power and a metaphor for possibilities, an opportunity for people to produce results they previously thought impossible."
"It teaches people in the most visceral sense that they can change, they can grown they can stretch themselves, they can do things they never thought possible, that their greatest fears and limitations are self-imposed."If you or I can be taught to walk on fire, and we discover in the process that 99% of the things we previously thought were impossible are merely self-imposed limitations and false beliefs (I haven't yet accomplished that last 1%, which includes things like leaping over tall buildings in a single bound, or running faster than a speeding bullet, but I'm still working on it), imagine what else we can do?So what can we dare to imagine ourselves doing once we learn that "anything" anyone else can do, you and I can do as well? Would we dare to make a million dollars? Would we dare to ask the most attractive person we'd ever met out for a date? Would we go back to school? Would we quit a job we hate and start our own business? Would we quit the business world entirely and make our living in the creative and artistic areas we so love?NLP modeling sets us free to do all these things and more. If we can merely find someone who is already doing what we desire to do, and learn to model that person's actions, both internal actions such as beliefs and thought process, and external actions such as physiology, we will produce the same exact results as that person.
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