Dear Gap
Q. I lived with a girl for over a time, but on every occasion I refused to bring together her, she reduced off our problem and stimulated out. Indoor two weeks she was married to different man. I saw her moral and she behaved like a stranger, apart from having apparent not curable love only three months previously. How do you explain such momentous changes?
A. At hand were no changes. She never cared about you in the first place, but you personal been blind to it by criticize to demand the nature of the famished female. You loved her but she didn't love you. She is unsuitable of loving being, in the midst of her new husband. A famished female never loves being but herself [note: my personal assumption is she never loves being, ever, incredibly herself.....that's the real source of the problem.] Using sex to obtain men into loving her, she can only fake at loving them back. This is natural, not deliberate behaviour for the famished female. She feeds them sex, fusses over them, makes them feel loved, but it's only an act. It's the chameleon syndrome in full streak. [Note: chameleon syndrome is described outdated in the book.....women are able to point out on doesn't matter what character traits and behaviours make them sound the greatest extent attractive to an advent aim] She uses their love, or craving, to avail yourself of and hold, very cold them like the wasp on a spider's back, until they are unsuitable of bright interrupt where on earth she is feeling. The famished female never becomes passionately complex in the exceedingly way a male does. Her emotional reveal is actually anecdotal upon her degree of success in bringing the male loud to tackle. It is not a intentional sham, but an unintentional one. Formerly, as in your shelter, she fails to allure him irrevocably [or chooses not to], she can informally begin to the same degree her reveal was only temporal. This is one of the toughest axioms for men to accept: Predatory females preset don't care. The person deserving the frailty is the poor pathetic who married her. He has volunteered to become the initiate body for this parasite, and serves as different funding that slavery is the natural pronounce of man.
Q. I just can't judge that women don't really ever love men, at least in the exceedingly way men love them.
A. The famished female herself is sometimes fooled in this value. She can be persecuted by her own famished nature, incredibly if she's young. But the skillful ones run into better. They're together with on your powerlessness to understand or assume it. They run into your male ego will side with them. If your girlfriend truthfully believes she loves you, be pleasant, be understanding. She doesn't run into herself yet. But don't let her ingenuousness predict ruin into your life.
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