Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dating Wingmen Sites For Puas

Dating Wingmen Sites For Puas
What i have been noticing with a community, is the lack of medium that allows you to have easy way to find wingmen in the area. I run a lair in New York (NewYorkPua.com) with 350+ guys and i've started it less then a year ago, 11 month to be exact. Yet right now it is second biggest and most active Lair in nyc area, why? just because my idea was to build a group where speakers are just an added bonus and real experience was to be build on communication and outings among wingmen members. Very interesting was my try to host similar group with women, called NYC wing women, boy was that a flop. Good learning expereince, but the bottom line is, women dont want or need wing women, because they already have their friends precisely for that. In fact women are amazing wingmen. I have seen groups rise and fall to ashes, with no organization, with weak experience, with no communication. I think the market for wingmen is under served, and it can be targeted not only to community of puas, but to any guys who just want to go out but thir friends are on vacation or dont want to go out. There is a need for this kind of site. I am currently have programmers and designers working on some so to speak:"top secret" project for now. It is very likely that it will create shift of perception in community about finding wingmen. Around this time next month, a lot more will be revealed. 'I have so much in the works my head is spinning, but that what keeps me happy. Between coaching clients in field, talking to my designers and programmers, communicating with community leaders as well as members, i am also in the process of developing DatingCoach.orgto have local dating coaches on it, so people in every area in USA, can use it as dating coach directory so to speak. But if you have read my views on pua and dating coach, perception differences of the two, dating coaches name sounds much friendlier to not community people.This project will take a while to develop, but in a year this should be a great resource for people to get information on dating coaches local.I would love to hear some comments or opinions on development of pua community or any other comments or observations related to it.Sign up for Pick up Future RSS feed.


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