Sunday, December 19, 2010

Life Coaching Nlp Life Mastery The 5 Levels Of Learning That Everyone Should Know

Life Coaching Nlp Life Mastery The 5 Levels Of Learning That Everyone Should Know
Many people find learning frustrating at times, especially adults who prefer a certain comfort level of certainty. Release yourself from any pressure by understanding now how your mind catalogues all learning. All habits are learnt. Learn how you might have become an 'accidental' expert at habits that don't empower what you want in life so that you can now learn how to choose new great habits that will support you to achieve and live the life you want. Become an expert in what you want, not what you don't want.


1) Unconscious Incompetence - You don't know and you don't know you don't know. Think of some activity you do well now, such as reading, playing sport or driving a a car. Once upon a time you did not know anything about it. You were not even aware of it.

2) Conscious Incompetence - Now you practise the skill, but you aren't very good. You learn fast at this stage, though, because the less you know, the greater he room for improvement. You get immediate results.

3) Conscious Competence - Here you have a skill, but it is not yet consistent and habitual, You need to concentrate. This is a satisfying part of the learning process, but improvement is more difficult. The better you are, the more effort is needed to make a noticeable gain.

4) Unconscious Competence - Now your skill is habitual and automatic. You do not have to think about it. This is the goal of learning, to put as much of that kill as possible into the realms of unconscious competence, so your conscious mind is free to do something else, for example, talk to the passengers and listen to music while driving a car.

5) Mastery - Mastery is more than unconscious competence, it has an extra aesthetic dimension. It is not only effective, but also beautiful to watch. When you have reached mastery, you no longer have to try, everything comes together in a constant flow, you enter a flow state. This takes time and effort to achieve, but the results are magical. You know when you are watching a master because although you may not appreciate every facet of their skill, they make it look easy.

Learning at any level takes time. It takes about 1,000 hours to reach conscious competence at any worthwhile skill. It takes about 5,000 hours to reach unconscious competence. And it takes 25,000 hours to reach mastery.

Now think about some of the things you have done over 25,000 times

Becki Houlston is dedicated to putting powerful tools of personal change into the hands of everyone. Having finely tuned a portfolio of noted leaders, she is dedicated to showing all how to create astounding lives and how to unleash the potential sat ontop of their shoulders. Becki uses a professional tool belt packed with state-of-the-art neuro sciences including a hybrid of NLP. Hypnosis and Life Coaching to make fast changes that catapult people to great health, relationships, success, playtime and anything else that is important to them. She campaigns tirelessly for life changing tips and techniques to be readily available to all.

'step towards living the life you deserve'

Article Source: Houlston


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