The mere thought of having one creates the romantic ideal of stepping into an Elevator with Donald Trump or Sir Allan Sugar and by the time the bell sounds for Floor 3, you have secured 25 squilllion pounds in VC investment into the 'Underwater Basket Weaving Company'. I am sure it does happen, I am also sure that the times it happens are few!
The point is, that if you want to be able to sieze the moment, grab an opportunity and close a deal / strike up a conversation with a new prospect, it may be useful to be able to communicate concisely and precisely what it is you do! and here is the next and most important part of this. NO ONE cares!
Let us say for example that you are at a networking event and you meet someone, you ask them 'So tell me, what do you do?' and they reply with 'I am a corporate a chartered accountantant, I am registered with the 'XYZ' and I work with Local government'
Tell meHow does that work for you ? It bores the PANTS off me ! I dont CARE who you are registered with, I have never heard of them anyway ! I DONT CARE who your customers are ! why would I? are you trying to impress me?!? I am not impressed ! I actually dont care that you are a chartered accountant and that you work mainly with corporate clients, you could work with Father Christmas for all the difference it makes to me. What I want to know is, why the heck would I want to stand here listening to you, what can you do for ME?
The thing is as I have said already, unless people are really very easily impressed and looking for someone to look/suck up to. They couldnt give two hoots about the detail above. When they ask "'So tell me, what do you do?'" what they are really saying is ** "It has cost me time and money to be here, I dont know this turkey in front of me right now, I want to know if he can add some value to my life or not, and I want to know quickly** 'So tell me, **quickly** what is it **you can do to add value to my life right now**' "
So you can imagine the answer we showed above would not really 'press our enquirers buttons !
How about an answer like this though, "'OK, you are in business, you know how important keeping costs down is, and you want to make as much money as possible right ?, Well.I am an expert in reducing personal and business tax liablities saving my clients thousands of pounds per year. My services also increase profit margins significantly. In fact I save my clients so much money, effectively my services are free'"
And then SHUT UP! and wait for the all important next question 'Cool, so how do you do that ?" the moment you get that GEM of a question you know you are 'IN' you have their interest, after all, who wouldnt want what you do now?
Remember this as you go about your daily life selling more than you ever have and booking more appointments than ever before. People simply do not care what you do! they are interested in the result for them, of using your service or buying your goods.
Try it out, if a silver haired (somewhat leary) bearded Gent asks you 'So what is you do?' next time you are in an elevator, be sure to have your answer at the ready, you never know the next words you hear may be 'You're Hired !"
Author: Matthew G Barnett is a Certifed Trainer of NLP & Hypnosis.
Contact Matthew Barnett on
Tel: 0203 0292 0357
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