All of these are important questions you should be asking yourself, and you better have solid answers before you even consider going into this market. This article will reveal how you can find answers to these questions.
The online dating affiliate market is lucrative, however; it is highly competitive and unless you find a very specialized niche you will encounter a significant amount of competition. Therefore the trick is to find a highly targeted niche. There are many resources you can use to find these niches. And I will share the ones I feel are the Top Online Dating Affiliate Programs you can join. Most important of all is the once you have found that very specific online dating niche, you must know how to make your promotion as effective as possible. Many so call "Marketing Gurus" are complaining that all the online marketing tactics which use to push your site up the ranks and to the front page of the major Search Engines are all dead. They are promoting that SEO is dead due to all the recent changes rooled out by the all mighty Google. However; all they are doing is promoting their new "never before" seen "push button solution" guaranteed to make your site soar to the front page of the Search Engines. Does it sound too good to be true?. It is true that Google has made several changes to their tools which evaluate your site, and it is true that the cheesy SEO tactics which use to work no longer work, and this is great news to you. I say this because if you abide by the standards which Google expects you to follow you will be handsomely rewarded.
We can start answering this question with another question, and that is "What does Google want?" The Search engines compete with each other. What they look for is relevant, usable, and valuable information. The site which provides this is considered favorable by the SEs and granted a position on the front page of the search results. This is the bottom line. So what you want to do is author information that is relevant, informative, and usable. Furthermore; the SEs measure these craterias by quantifying your Social Activity. Lets break these down.
Quality Of Content
Whatever you write must be related to the need expressed by the person searching through the Search Engines. Take this article for instance; you chose to read this article because the Title and the summary caught your attention. These are the two most valuable points related to your audience. The article title, and the summary are your calling cards. They are the "first impression" you make on your target audience. If the two of them addresses the need of the person searching through the internet then you stand a good chance of having that person visit your site and read your article.
Then we have the content; which has to totally satisfy the need of your reader. I understand that this is the area where most people choke, but you do not have to let this happen to you.
I could have compiled a list of Online Dating Affiliate Programs and that would have been the complete article. But I know that the search engines are looking for substance which you can find of great use. However; I also know that you are reading this article because you want to make money by getting into the online dating market. This is a great market, and because it is highly competitive you need to find a "back door" into it. This is what I call a targeted niche. Like "Online Dating Services for People Who Stutter". This is just an example and in no way am I making fun of anyone who has this challenge. The truth is that the more targeted your niche is the more successful you will become.
Since I know that you are researching this market because you are looking to make money with it I'm taking the time to share some insight to what you should be considering before you invest time and money on a site selling dating services which may not make you a single cent.
Therefore; your site should offer the visitor valuable information about dating and about those social issues which tend to pour a cold bucket of water over any first date encounter.
For instance; you should consider buying a book on dating. There are several such books available online. For instance, I did a simple search and found the following eBook you can get that will help you get your creative juices going:
Then take some of their ideas and publish them on your site as articles which will provide guidance in how to make that first date a total success. Better yet, buy the resell rights to the eBook and sell it as your own thereby keeping all the profits. Another idea which will keep you from being accused of plagiarism is to buy the Master Resell Rights to the eBook. This way you can do anything you want with the book. You can give it away thereby building an email list, you can re-publish some of its content as your own (since you now own the right to it) and you can even sell it for any price you like.
Other things you can do is to curate content you find in other sites. For instance I found a report about a man who keeps a spreadsheet to keep track of his dates. Now I don't know if this is a good idea or a reflection of the men's persona, but content like this can bee added to your site and you will not get any hand slapping by Google or any other Search Engine so long as you abide by the republishing rules of the site from which you obtained the content. Here is the original report and video:
Soledad O'Brien discusses the investment banker who created an elaborate spreadsheet to keep track of his dates.More at Man makes dating spreadsheet
You have hear about speed dating right. Well you can curate information from different sites about the subject and summarize the information in your own words including the original sources. This is a great way of adding your voice to the article. Your reader should be reading your own ideas and your own points of views. They will continue to come back if they identify with you. They don't have to agree with you, but if they identify with you, and feel a scene of familiarity they will continue to visit your site.
Since we are talking about speed dating, I found several sites which expanded on this phenomenon. The truth of the matter is that everyone tends to go for the person which they feel is the most attractive. I can tell you from personal experience that substance last longer that external beauty. So can you measure love in just a few seconds? Check the following article and decide for yourselfPerhaps nowhere is this truer than in speed dating, during which people decide on someone's romantic potential in just a few seconds.More at Snap judgments during speed dating
Social Activity
The second most important criteria measured by the Search Engines is your sites' Social Activity. The more comments you have on your articles the more favorable the SEs will consider your article. The idea is that if people take the time to provide feedback in the form of a comment then it is possible that your content is thought provoking and provides value to the reader. This is why I hope you take the time to share your thought on this article. Social activity is also measured by the amount of remote sites mentioning your article. Those sights can be forum sights discussing Online Dating Services as well other blogs publishing articles related to the Online Dating services where someone has left a comment and made reference to your article. Same thing can happens in Social Sites like Twitter, and Facebook. So the idea is to get as many people as you can talking about your site in as many related remote sites. I say related because they do not have to necessarily be discussing specifically "Online Dating", they could be talking about the dynamics of relationships in general. In the Internet Marketing Industry we refer to this as "Thematically Related". Here are five ways that social media impacts SEO, or more specifically search engine visibility, rankings and traffic:More at 5 Ways that SOCIAL Media IMPACTS SEO - How SOCIAL Media So there you have it. In order to be successful in any online venture you must select a very specific targeted niche, and you must service that niche with valuable, useful and relevant content which should generate activity from your readers in the form of comments. Once you have accomplished this you should begin to enjoy the rewards granted by the Major Search Engines. These rewards are in the form of targeted traffic directed to your articles, as they will enjoy top positions in the front page of the Search Engine Results. Via this article I shared a way for getting valuable content to your site. I referred to is as content curation. If you use this technique as I have illustrated here you will grant your readers added value and enjoy the graces of the Major Search engines. I have a preference for two specific tools which I use to curate content. Check them out:
* Content Curation WordPress Theme
* Desktop Content Curation Application
Following is a list of Online Affiliate Dating Programs you should investigate and consider.
Eagle Web Assets
The Best Online Dating Affiliate Program will be the one which will work with you, and help you get off to a great start. You will find that the affiliate programs which have a dedicated manager tends to provide the most assistance. They are vested in your success, and will help you as much as they can. You should know that landing one of these relationships is a bit tricky, and there are some expectations they will have of you so try not to come across as a total nob. I have prepared a report which I will be more that happy to give you upon your request. Just send me an email using this sites' contact form and on the subject line put the following "How To Select An Affiliate Program Report". Make sure to give me a valid email and I will send you the report. Click here to use my contact form. I hope this article has shed some insight about Online Dating Affiliate Programs. If you found this article useful and valuable, please share your thoughts, and or ideas in the comments section just bellow. Thank you in advance for your contribution.
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