As people respond very differently to hypnosis, some are easily hypnotizable....some not so well...a hypnotherapist notices this, because he doesnt have the luxury to send difficult clients away, as he needs to make at least some cash
Then there is the problem that a lot of hypnotherapists dont "test" to see if their clients are hypnotized. It could interfere with the process, if the client notices certain suggestions arent "getting through", and they then think they arent hypnotized.
This leads many hypnotherapists to believe that what happens in a stage hypnosis show is fake, not possible, and nothing more than tricks.
But...the stage hypnotist has the luxury to preselect the best subjects from the audience, in the form of suggestibility tests, and choose who comes up on stage. This gives the impression to everyone, that what the stage hypnotist does, is possible with everyone with the snap of a finger....which of course is also not 100% correct, because everyone reacts differently to hypnosis.
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