A girl once told me those words while we were having a conversation.
As what I had posted at my introductory post (How I got into the seduction community), I once had difficulty looking at girls; and so therefore, I also had difficulty talking to them. The truth is, back then I don't really know how to talk to strangers.
So what do you need to do?
Look at them in the eyes! What else! For those who really have not experienced it, I know that it is really nerve wracking. I've been there.
You have to remember this; What is the worst that could happen?! She won't kill you. She won't make a scandal on public. (LOL) She won't slap you.
All you need to do is to be "flirtatiously" looking at her. The best that could happen is for her to say "Hi" to you.
Discomfort Challenge:
Note: Don't stare at guys! That means TROUBLE
1. Close the browser and get out of the house. Go to the nearest place where there is a crowd.
2. Flirtatiously look at the girls of your type. Please don't act like a creep!
I also recommend that you look at the girls that are deemed "beautiful" by our society.
This "beautiful" girls know that they are being looked at, however they don't reciprocate. What you need to do is to focus in looking at her. Even if she does not reciprocate and she already past you a few meters, don't move your eyes away from her. Let other people know your looking at her. After that, also look at those people looking at you.
Well if you do that, you will have a certain aura that possesses confidence and attractiveness.
3. Do not ever bow down! This exercise will truly be uncomfortable for the many, but you need this. If suddenly the girl reciprocates eye contact, then just continue looking at her. Bowing down your head or looking at an another direction is submisiveness. You don't want to be that guy!
4. If some girl talks to you, lucky you. Talk to her. Don't fidget around.
Having a great confidence in eye contact is one of the fundamentals in achieving succes with women. After day/days or weeks of doing this, I think that you should be able to comfortably talk to a girl.
I wil also post an article about the first small talk. Stay tuned
p.s. Some of you may think that "huh! talking to girls is easy why write about it?" Well sad to say that, there are really guys who does not know how to talk to other people. Reasons could be vast to mention. He may be introverted or something. We don't know. Good news is; This could be Learned!
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