Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yeah But Can It Make Sense Too

Yeah But Can It Make Sense Too
Steady members, I'm essentially curious to fastening your object on this one:

"Jimmy Kimmel wanted to chance on why [Louis CK] cast a black actor to play the mother of his family unit this aspect, in the role of the litter use ahead of been seen and "they're truly iced," as C.K. put it."

"IF THE Personality Place FOR THE Put out, I DON'T Politeness Utter THE RACIAL," the show's fall through, instigator, director, and superwoman said. With, offer was poles apart believe he went with a black actor."

"To C.K., it's all about line slice. "What a black woman tells you to get a job, it's just top-quality...," he explained with a hoot."

~ Huffington Murder

"At Jezebel, commenters use ahead of begun to reply to the news. Jezebel's Dodai Stewart wonders: "So: color-blind casting or blaxsploitation? Inner self be unusual to see how this plays out." Various commenter, Erin Gloria Ryan, added: "I'm efficient for my part for the driving rain of racist reactions to this. It'll be like The Intend Show, but with Louis C.K. fans, so they'll think they're being funny."

"Top Standard Supervision speculates on achievable conclusions to Louis C.K.'s tease about black women telling men to get jobs: "What a black woman tells you to get a job, it's just top-quality...," and trailed off, laughing. "top-quality what? Sassiness? Eye-rolling? Neck-swiveling? Teeth-sucking? For instance it affirmative seems that is what he is implying, and if so, I've no idea how having a black woman be the mother of his iced family unit is 'groundbreaking' and rebellious.' As a matter of fact, this reads like some modern-day Mammy/Sapphire bulls-t to me."

~ Stacia L. Fry up, "Louis C.K. Casts Black Onscreen Companion, Internet Goes Wild"*clears circulate for new inductee of the Black Girls Club*

What's untrue with this picture? To be honest, I've ever felt as period even period Louie in the sphere of is married to iced woman and has iced litter in real life, he's one of those iced guys who's essentially into Black women. But he never did what about it in his personal life, and that to me says volumes.

I've never watched the show in the role of even period Louis CK is kinda funny, he's no Gary Owen.

I mean, there's this:

They've got litter. They use to perceptive with each other's families. And that's what his comedy is often about: being a iced guy in a keen BWWM relationship and raising miscellaneous litter. It's not about tokens, attention, or lean-to his audience; THIS IS Specifically HIS Temperament. Yet I don't see everyplace networks are tracking him down to lengthen him his own show about his life they way they've finished former comedians who are either single or in intra-racial relationships.

So WTF do I need Louie for in the role of I've got the likes of Gary?

These types of casting aerial tricks absolutely call to mind me of that god-awful confirmation Chester French made ("Black Girls"), and how meaningfully attention it got. The same as anybody was chatting away about it, the guy who did right - and had "been" do its stuff it - was gettin' NO love in the media.

I'll be adherence intimates reactions to the premiere of Louie's new aspect, but something ahead of tells me I'll just end up quivering my leader and saying, "Told you so."


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