Monday, June 14, 2010

He Doesn T Run Away To Some Other Woman

He Doesn T Run Away To Some Other Woman
Are you feeling hurt because he isn't giving you the same type of attention and affection he used to give you during the first few dates? And are you struggling to understand what might be the reason behind this? Let me walk you through some possible mistakes you might have made during the first few dates... YOU PROBABLY SHOWED TOO MUCH INTEREST IN HIM TOO EARLY - This is a classic dating error and almost every woman out there makes this mistake at one point or another during her dating life. This usually happens when you like the guy a lot and want him to know that you are interested in him and open to more things. And this is where it all dwindles down, as men aren't usually expecting you to get too interested too early. It's usually the man who is supposed to pursue a woman but if the woman takes on that role then things completely change. He might have taken your extra interest in him as a sign of desperation and desperation usually repels men. YOU TOLD HIM HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT HIM TOO EARLY - In the game of dating timing is everything. A lot of women in the quest to take things to the next level quickly end up confessing their feelings too early which often freaks the guy out. Most men don't want to have an emotionally heavy conversation during the first few dates. In fact! You shouldn't even tell him whether you are interested in him or not during the first few weeks. It's important to keep that element of mystery active to keep things spicy. A man can get easily turned off if you confess your feelings for him too early even if he might have been interested in you already. TRYING TOO HARD - And this is a classic dating mistake which is known to be the most common among majority of women out there. Everyone knows that it's not easy to find the right guy and sometimes when a woman does come across Mr. Right her first inclination is to try to do everything in her power to ensure he doesn't run away to some other woman. And in the process she tries a bit too hard. And when you try too hard you are almost certainly going to lose the guy. It's a very well known fact that the one who cares the least controls the relationship, therefore if you find yourself calling him a lot when he doesn't call you at all. And if you find yourself trying to keep or stay in touch with him when he isn't making any real efforts from his end then you are definitely trying too hard and this is probably the reason why his interest in you has decreased radically. I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO READ A MAN'S MIND! LISTEN CAREFULLY - Would you like to discover a sure fire method to reading a man's mind & easily figure out what he is thinking? I am giving away a free report which shows you the step-by-step process you can use to read his mind & know exactly what he is thinking. Get it right now - Click Here View Article Source


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