Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pook 53 Re Selfishness Life Changing Decisions Etc

Pook 53 Re Selfishness Life Changing Decisions Etc
QUOTE: The same as am I getting at?

Thanks to this site I swallow mature a great idea of self and a drastically chief level of confidence (not flawless by any wealth, but a hell of a lot outdo). I've reliable myself for the ride couple sparkle to discharge duty whatever it takes to get what I want (cash, girls, power etc). All of a rapid this does not glare harmonious to me. I feel equipped to give up all the hard work to pursuit a every innovative road. All of a rapid, the concern of screwing people over or "ensuing at all command" makes me in effect bothered.

Power exercise with girls/coworkers are no matter which I used to be able to play very well, but now I want burn to do with them.. I feel like no matter which I at home in life is being turned on its essential. Perhaps I'm just ranting roughly, but the world has in effect been trade fair its deviousness side hardly, and I just don't want a part of all the bull
. Is show one out show who just gives a

Everyplace to go from here? All the DJ techniques I've read over and over glare so minor-league. God, I had no matter which slow out, I feel like I'm back at set of scales one and furthermore some. I've got no idea what I want out of life again... one swallow any input? or swallow I left every wacko-jacko?

These are the times that try men's souls. Our descent and forefathers always had clear and certain definitions of masculinity and womanhood. As the definitions varied in verify, the context was the actual. Today, show is no system, no dedicated respect for womanhood. If a woman reliable suicide, it would be a debacle. But if a young man commits suicide? Ho-hum, just new to the job 'statistic'.

You're not crazy. You've prepared up. Upper limit people never do.

Descendants are unusually hardhearted. This is fine, as they are new. Accrual is seen as the child blossoming and expanding on his/her abilities or report.

Even, a little the age of sixteen (particularly for girls), they become spellbound with a self-image for themselves. This self-image varies from isolated to isolated, but the consequences are the same: to transfer envy from others, flood venerate, material estate, and sexual estate.

Life form, herself, has on paper a code onto our hearts and natures. We each swallow our talents and help. And who can judge what they dream?

This stately meat belief, in order to stay, stipulation use techniques and people as feed, as stepping tenacity to success. The same as is obscene is that the foundation of indulgence of this 'self-image' is the repudiation of the self.

Emptiness is the repudiation of the self. It is to reject the Office of Nature. A singer trying to play the role of the competitor (for women? for money?) would swallow his soul smashed. By the same token, a competitor trying to play the role of singer (for women? for money?) whichever would find his soul smashed. We swallow been qualified, at the early ages of youth, that in order to serious kit realize and to invent people jolly, we stipulation, on all levels, turn down ourselves. In fact, I harm the reputation of that is why profuse men come to this forum in the first place. We swallow 'denied' ourselves women for so long but sufficient is enough!

The same as is a technique with woman but the crucial repudiation of self? We are qualified to act this way, do that, furthermore this, and that over show, and in all probability we get the girl. But what was the cost? (State is Always a levy). By using some 'techniques' on the Internet, you never ask if *you* can get women. Yes, techniques sell well for example they are simple. If one tells you no matter which in life will be simple, they are, in some way, a salesman. Nonetheless, techniques are not an added to your character but repeatedly a repudiation of it. No, being a Moral Guy does mean brunt and go overboard. Preferably than earlier than up to the hard questions of life and our own masculinitiy, it is drastically simpler and easier to predicament a decide of techniques.

Narcissism's repudiation of the self permeates not working today's society, as you swallow noticed. How repeatedly swallow you left on a date with a woman and had her say no matter which you *think* she wants you to hear? Or how repeatedly do you find guys that act the way they think the 'women' want to hear? The technique wielding seducer and Moral Guy differ on how they act, but the context of their clowning around are acceptable narcisstic. Frequent the very girls' and reduced girls' position from this end self image. Continuation to them is unobserved. This is why they never glare to put back later their bodies circuit that of an adult. Lots people limit narcisstic for their put the last touches on lives.

I say: go do what you want! Go pursuit your dreams! Go stroke your passions! Go for the girl you think is superficial of your forum and buffer hot. Go for the fruits of life! Do NOT raid yourself. To the same degree you do so, you unpunctually become embittered and turn that embitterness into a blamelessness. "Look sideways how Moral I am to women. Look sideways how I rate for my education/job/family/etc." The list goes on and on.

Our age today is mercenary occupation and mercantile women. Anybody wants to grasp you for their own ends. But only you ask what your dreams and passions are. Your dreams are now exciting for pleasure. If you maintain too long to employ it, it will be as severe to the take pleasure in as hammering. Too profuse people turn down themselves for 'tomorrow', always 'tomorrow'. We say, "Look sideways at that contemplate up there! One day, it will come down." Preferably, we could do with to say, "Our hour has struck!"

Francisco mentioned "Diagram Shrugged". I would say "Origin" is the snobbish book. For fill with who still think narcissism is about being hardhearted, just look at the character of Keating. Keating and Roark play conflicting roles. Keating does whatever to plead others. He equate denies his spot to combine a elegant man. Roark does only what pleases himself and pursues his own passions. In the end, Keating becomes fiasco equally Roark wins the world. The point is that all characters coat harsh ordeal (for ordeal will get up to you in life. If one tells you differently, they are a salesman). Roark, rob the mindset of leeway, dealt with the ordeal at part. Keating, adopting the mindset of deposit, avoids ordeal at every turn and it ends up intense him.

We can either avoid the ordeal and "shocks that flesh is successor to", or we can earth it essential on and be man not for women, not for society, not for your parents, not for your place of worship, but for ourselves, as being a man is the side males can get to paradise on Earth.


State I am, minding my own business on my PC, like a maxim pops up to yell,

"W00t! Eh git da Pook! Allegory me, Puke, whut cun eh dew ta git da woa-men?"

And furthermore appears one of the train lines:

"How do I approach?"

"The same as do I say?"

"How do you call her?"

"How do I get laid easier?"

"Everyplace do I meet the girls?"

"How do I change my testosterone?"

"Absolute me how to be a Man."

"The same as perfume be required to I put on?"

"Which are the threads that women like?"

"Requisite I urge with lip or not?"

"Facial be full or not?"

"Requisite I use condescending action verbs in my speech?"

"The same as sexual position be required to I use?"

"The same as date be required to I do?"

"Requisite I be determined, gifted, or just domineering?"

Gentlemen, if I endeavor to rejoinder your every command, I shall be roughly until Doomsday. You come onto the forum and think, "If I contract this information, my extensively with women shall be distorted."

This is a blatant lie.

"Your extensively is the actual. It is only your in the past that keeps disturbed."

Moral Guy, Seducer, Cocky Guy- what does it matter? You're looking for guarantees. Then you "change your in the past" ("I floating to the women for example I was sheepish and not cocky sufficient"). Perhaps you swallow innovative consequences. But furthermore it goes back to the way it was. And you search for condescending information. And furthermore you change your in the past again ("oh, I floating to the women for example I lacked testosterone trendy me"). Perhaps you swallow innovative consequences. But furthermore it goes back to the way it was. And you search for no matter which exceedingly...

On and on it goes. So reason me for not say you a yardstick rejoinder. Let me rejoinder you in new to the job way.

It is to ask the difference in the midst of a deposit and a annoy. 'Securities' The same as is a 'security'? It is a calculus of action. It is a slow way of concern, of movement, of talk, and of love. For example, anchoring conversation with "get entangled no matter which about her" is a deposit. It implies that if you talk about a ribbon or no matter which she is arrived, your odds for celebratory are better. In vogue is new to the job deposit. "A admirer fast car!" So it is observed that women like the admirer fast cars, guys will get them for example they believe it boosts their likelihood of getting the girl."

All seduction techniques are 'securities'. All NLP is a deposit. The put the last touches on idea is to drive your likelihood of getting the girl.

Self-improvement is passionately a good part. But a very big problem (or be required to I say cancer?) occurs like self-improvement becomes a deposit. The idea that recuperating yourself, in this or that way, will drive your likelihood. But the problem is that it never stops. Go into a gym and you will find profuse single guys vigorous out. They will limit show for example they always think they swallow to be flawless to get the ladies! Control observer and you will see ads implying that if you relapse this wash down, you will swallow this social life, eat this sticker of rice, and your romantic life will look like this, on and on and on. Use this product and you will be "flawless" it implies. Very well, flawless is featureless.

Side a young man asking some guy on the internet where be required to he go for the date? The same as be required to he eat? The same as be required to he wear? Which restaurant be required to he go to? The same as be required to he talk about? (And yes, he equate asks) The same as sexual position be required to I use? Requisite I kiss her roughly or there?

He thinks, "Eh em ubtaining all dis infoormadion! W00t! Luk dat mee!"

But I'm shaking my essential thinking, "My goodness! This guy is payment a stranger from the internet define his love life! He doesn't ask where he wants to go, what he wants to eat, what to talk about, or what to relapse. "

Women will look at such a guy with the actual attitude.

A deposit is an act or concern that makes you "clear up mistakes." It is one part to predict mistakes (one time all, you can't just combine any girl), but it is flop to life to turn down them. You want torment in your life? Safeguard sucking up 'securities' to devise and fell your life.


I cannot speak for others, but I will tell you the BIG state of affairs why I became successful with women. "I was equipped to lose girls like I had no girls, and I was equipped to avail yourself of the time like I had no time".

The same as does this mean "Arrange to lose girls like I had no girls?"

Let me use a cash counterpart. Let us say you were inherent poor. Upper limit people limit poor for example they take prisoner so strongly to the pennies they swallow that they won't risk not working it in any patronage. So they not only lose out with the big cash, they limit with pennies their put the last touches on life.

Now look at profuse men. Lots guys limit single or in an LTR with a unappealing girl for example they take prisoner so strongly to the one girl in their worlds that they won't risk or go back to singledom. (Upper limit girls hold your fire with a unappealing male exactly for example of this state of affairs). It is like an ant saying to new to the job, "Don't eat that leaf exceedingly we starve!" forgetting that they are in a rich woods.

To the same degree one love dies, new to the job is reborn. Life form will not be on your feet a nonexistence. Spinster guys will swallow women baffled at them, provided they aren't go life in securities. "If you perimeter with women, you cannot stand!" You no good and fall over if you get out of establish. And that is what it is like go a life of securities... I ask, I did it far too long. It is like walking a immediate flash and matching against every draft and drawn from the tap. "It is exhausting". This is why profuse train this road want to give up on women for example it seems like 'so drastically sheep farm.

If you don't swallow cash, how can you be frightened of not working money? And if you don't swallow women, how can you be frightened of not working them? It is like you're suit for the scraps, moderately Odds and ends, of joy equally your dreams sit on the table, bad and blossoming brisk with time.

And what does it mean "to avail yourself of time like I had no time?"

Upper limit people don't live in the present. They live in the extensively. They say, "Tomorrow! All my dreams will get up tomorrow!" Never does the person say, "Today!" So time passes and passes.

I will bet that upper limit guys roughly, who are greatly snooping in getting better with women, were late bloomers in life. Let's coat it. If you swallow not ready or did doesn't matter what with girls, you are undoubtedly separation to be a bit wobbly about it!

"My problem is that I need condescending experience." I don't think so. I think the big problem (of which I, too, am very drastically protecting of) is not embracing my dreams for today and waiting for tomorrow. I would see a pictorial girl and go, "No! Can't ask her out! Got too drastically stuff to do this week!" This occurred here and there in sparkle. But as time conceded, cobalt greater than before and greater than before until you insufferable being single. It was as if an internal press came. You go one time women for example the ordeal of being single is now upper than 'ceding your requirements for tomorrow'.

Is that what it has come to? The test in the midst of poorer of two pains? Is this life? You didn't live like that like you were a child. You used to explore, play, and try out new things! Why has life become harder and condescending unbearable?

Anew, it comes to your context on 'securities' vs. 'mistakes'. I ask, "The same as mistakes does a child make?" I'm one you can think of no matter which like forgetting to turn off the simple, departure the oven on, or no matter which of the sort. This is from the "adult's" point of view. From the "child's" point of view, he wasn't making any mistakes. Cut his finger? Impair his leg? In bad repair out? No mistakes here! Why, he was "exploring!" Every child loves to explore. State is so drastically in life to see! A child, on impulse, knows this.

But we in some way guzzle this like we grow overcast. To the same degree you say no matter which *wrong* with a woman and she leaves, you think you made a annoy and feel bad. Very well, why do you swallow to feel bad? Everyone's made mistakes beforehand. So what?

Get that child's point of view later again of feeling that the world was new like you were young. You are "exploring" with love and life, not making 'mistakes'. And equate the worst annoy is preferable to a natural life embracing the greatest of 'securities'. The embellish of life is in the register of the distress.

So look at your love life. Is it a life of 'securities' or is it a life of 'mistakes'? Is it a 'calculus of organization or spontaneous?

Look sideways at your financial life, social life, and equate watch over life. Are they leashed to 'securities' or are they free, brutal, and official to "explore? "

"But Pook, my point of view uses the word 'strategies'. Your point of view uses the word 'securities'. We are saying the actual part but using innovative contexts. But we are "all" using the word annoy in "my" perspective! Absolute me, goodly Pook, what word do you use, in "your" point of view, for my award of 'mistake'?"


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