Sunday, September 9, 2012

Communicating With Children And Family

Communicating With Children And Family
Communicating children family relating love, one, individual member family. From view, don't choose family origin. From higher perspective, do. We choose parents family; choose help develop character values, challenge education offer life journey. Just chosen, soul level, parents family, children! We, parents, may opportunity offer values life opportunities possibly children. We start opening wide lines communication children family members. How open wide lines communication? Well, reflect feel someone communicates you, verbally subtle ways. How others treat approach connect? You feel person respects ideas love are, correct? Of feel respected loved. And does everyone, especially spouse, children family members. So communication within family connecting significantly personal level. Communicating what? Whatever want, always vested Love. Love its myriad aspects. Love accepts diversity rejoices differences. Usually family structure, already share much, deepest joys family celebrating similarities, differences. Rooted soil emotional physical ties share, belonging family offers primary significant early identity. So relate own children, family origin, we, parents, designing them, responsibility love accept child are, paramount importance. These ones, innocent nature experience, deserve grow environment feel free express imagination desire. Let sing act run speak express themselves free enforced restrictions judgmental boundaries. Children guidance seek direction, acceptance encouragement parents. Responsible love guides teaches great gift offer children. They leadership approval. Approval loving acceptance joyful encouragement become develop own unique personal character strengths. It privilege parents offer level security love children. We spend quality children, teaching loving doing fun activities family. In communications, nothing taboo. Children feel free speak anything parents, openly, confident heard appreciated. Children, ourselves, love feel unique team: family. This sense belonging vital child's sense personal worth meaningful contribution. As children love respect unconditionally, learn same. They learn tolerance, acceptance difference, openness, self expression above all, love. Hopefully will, later life, wonderful happy memories growing family provided them. Marie C. Barrett author, teacher holistic spiritual life coach. Discover life relationship strategies Marie's blog Find More Communicating With Extraterrestrials Articles


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