Monday, December 3, 2012

Feminism Quotes

Feminism Quotes
Feminism Quotes i.e. inquisitive for some moving and encouraging feminism quotes. If yes, now you don't need to search for them anymore. As stylish I put up with compiled down some of the motivational feminism quotes and sayings. Apt suppose you will like the quote collection and learn no matter which new from stylish.

[course id=" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Feminism Quotes[/caption]

A girl have to be two things: who and what she wants.

Coco Chanel

A feminist is role who recognizes the classlessness and full donations of women and men.

Gloria Steinem

I am a Female, Astonishingly. Extraordinary Female, that's me.

Maya Angelou

You nurture a man; you nurture a man. You nurture a woman; you nurture a epoch.

Brigham Before time

You don't put up with to anti-man to be pro-woman.

Jane Galvin Lewis

As a woman I put up with no terrestrial. As a woman my terrestrial is the very great world.

Virginia Woolf

I individually put up with never been able to find out slightly what feminism is: I only enlighten that people call me a feminist whenever I pronounce sentiments that describe me from a tangle.

Rebecca West

While God made man she was energetic.

Rita Mae Murky

One is not untrained, but reasonably becomes, a woman.

Simone de Beauvoir

The emotional, sexual and psychological stereotyping of females begins past the doctor says, "It's a girl".

Shirley Chisholm

I abhorrence to trap you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies more willingly of sound creatures. None of us want to be in order waters all our lives.

Jane Austen

I abhorrence men who are uneasy of women's strength.

Ana"is Nin

One life is all we put up with and we live it as we believe in get-up-and-go it. But to fee what you are and to live without confidence, that is a plight promote subconscious than on the way out.

Joan of Arc

I'm overweight, I'm obsessed, and I enlighten strong what I want. If that makes me a bitch, fastidious.


We still live in a world in which a things piece of people, among women, believe that a woman belongs and wants to belong in particular in the home.

Rosalyn Sussman

Women may be the one group that grows promote revolutionary with age.

Gloria Steinem

I think being a woman is like being Irish... Every person says you're crucial and nice, but you filch second place all the time.

Iris Murdoch

To scare intimate with the image of hell, to categorize women an slapdash creation-is that good for the world?

Christopher Hitchens

Woman's shame is in mans idea of his sexual job. Our religion, laws, ethnicity, are all founded on the confidence that woman was made for man.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The carrying out women put up with yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just filch it.

Roseanne Barr

Women who go to be egalitarian with men lack promote

Timothy Leary

No woman can call herself free who does not maximum her own body.

Margaret Sanger

I've assistant professor from experience that the disdainful part of our happiness or monotony depends on our dispositions and not on our lob.

Martha Washington

I think the key is for women not to set any grounds.

Martina Navratilova

As long as she thinks of a man, nobody objects to a woman thinking.

Virginia Woolf

Image Source: Cumbercougars

1 comment:

  1. Hi admin,
    your post is very special for us.I think feminism quotes are very special for everyday life. I have collected many quotes from you, and I will come back soon. It's encourage to work everyday life.So thanks a lot for doing this job
