Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Nlp Techniques For Inducing Flow

Nlp Techniques For Inducing Flow
To set an impossible goal-of-your-dreams is easy. Taking the next step should actually be easier. But most people let procrastination kill the step after that.

Instead of doing that, learn to build momentum. Momentum comes in being in the Flow, a concept pioneered by positive psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (wow I managed to spell that right first time around).

Flow is a state of completely focused motivation. Some people have problems accessing this very powerful state. In experimenting with strategies to induce states of flow, I have found that a few things work very well.

#1 - Finding out what kinds of things let time seem to "fly past". Often, it is a series of behavior that is outcome oriented and driven by some sets of skills that you enjoy using.

Usually, skilled individuals who do not set goals effectively tend to "fall" into flow by accident.

#2 - The ability to go "internal".

Most of the time, we spend our waking hours looking at things around us, often being lost to the environment. The ability to go "internal" allows us to be caught up with the flow of our inner thoughts.

Usually, people don't have a good balance of "internal" time, and hence end up looking stoned all day long. Most effective flow states are an internal series of high speed images, focused on a very narrow set of themes. That is, if the images contain many different theme, you will probably end up being distracted, even if you might find that time flies past.

#3 - "Bending" time.

Sometimes, people accidentally fall into a state where time seems to slow down for split second. Often, this is when you are immersed in your senses. You have a combination of internal and external activity, merged to achieve a target.

#4 - A challenging goal that you strive toward.

In my experience, challenging goals (with a few caveats) often lead to a state of flow. However, it is also my experience that many people don't set the goals appropriately. It is important for goals to be challenging but yet "strivable", out of reach but only just slightly. This approach typically works well with those who already have a relatively high confidence level, compared with those who have no confidence.

I'd recommend using state management strategies as well as time distortion induction patterns to create Flow states, then anchor the Flow states in order to make it effectively accessible.

Reference: pickup-techniques.blogspot.com


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