Friday, September 26, 2014

Dating Who Picks Up The Check

Dating Who Picks Up The Check
When your grandparents dated, the man always paid. It was a long-standing tradition for the man to take care of the woman, harkening back apparently to our caveman days. Aside from the whole ugly "ownership" issue, few women worked and men had the cash to pay for restaurants and theater tickets. By the time your parents started to date, women's lib had kicked in and women insisted on going Dutch or taking turns picking up the check for the evening. It was a statement of independence and equality; and with more women working, they could afford to help foot the dating bill. Today, most dating singles work, and DATING COUPLES tend to share the bill or take turns so that neither party is saddled with too great a financial burden.

Sometimes, though, the whole even-Steven thing can backfire. When one party plans a more elaborate (and pricier) date than usual, the other person can feel resentful that he or she wasn't consulted about how he's being told to spend his time and money. It's important when committing your partner to a lengthy or expensive date to make sure he's on board first. What you're going to do and how you're going to split the cost should be decided "before" the date begins so there are no embarrassing misunderstandings. To avoid problems, you might want to consider using the Miss Manners approach: The person who extends the invitation pays for the date.

When deciding who picks up the check, another sore point can develop when one party makes significantly more money than the other party but expects to split each check right down the middle. The longer you date, the more grating this issue can become as the person with the more anemic paycheck begins to resent the person with the more robust paycheck.For more information please visit: DATING PHOTOS



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